The Complexities of Life
It is complex because the fact that people think of life differently, the difference itself is already complex.
But is life inherently simple? Or do we make it complex?
Is life actually quite complex, but we try to make it simple?
Has the world made life complex? Or has it made us appreciate the simplicity of life?
Has our desires made life complicated? Or is our desire a product of the complexity of life?
This is not what I want to find out.
My mind is in a whirlwind. I have absolutely no idea what to do. I don't even know why am I typing this.
Am I disillusioned? Or my own thoughts dis-eluded me?
Why am I questioning myself? Why are questions questioning me?
What happened?
I am neither here nor there. I should be somewhere but I am nowhere to be found. In nowhere, I am somewhere but neither here nor there. Neither somewhere nor nowhere, I am here and there and everywhere. Everywhere means here and there and somewhere but not nowhere. But being nowhere, I should be somewhere out of everywhere, here and there. So everywhere is not only somewhere and here and there but also nowhere. Where is nowhere then? Nowhere is being somewhere here and there but not everywhere. But everywhere includes somewhere, here and there. If everywhere is somewhere, here and there, nowhere is being somewhere here and there but not everywhere, is everywhere nowhere? Where is here? It can be somewhere or nowhere, but here cannot be everywhere and there, then why is everywhere being here and there? Where am I? Here or there or nowhere or somewhere or everywhere?
What is there to fear? Why do I fear? I have nothing to lose.
Tomorrow may be good, tomorrow may be bad. Tomorrow may be the end of the world. You may never even see tomorrow. Tomorrow is a question mark. Tomorrow is the future. Tomorrow is spelt as t-o-m-o-r-r-o-w. Tomorrow you may have to do something, tomorrow you may not have something to do. Tomorrow is a routine. Tomorrow is a brand new day. Tomorrow is a nightmare come true. Tomorrow is hidden. Tomorrow you shall know your fate. Tomorrow is the chance. Tomorrow is the next day. What is tomorrow?
I am basically trying to make myself tired. Forget about yourself, forget about love, forget about your family, forget about the world, forget whatever you learnt, forget about everything, forget about waking up.
Sleep, my dear sleep, sing me a sweet lullaby. So soft, so sweet, so soothing, so comforting, so peaceful, so surreal, so calming. Enchant me, hallucinate me, bring me to a world where I really disappear, where I am one with nowhere. Where I do not know I exist. Come, take me, take the whole world with you, take everything. Close everything that you created, forget everything.
Wah, finally can stop... I hope readers are not lost somewhere in this ridiculous passage. I was in a 'trance'. It is just a drift away from reality and letting the emotions control my fingers to press the keyboard.