FUKEPAIKE: Sometimes this is Life

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Sometimes this is Life

One day after work I didn’t know why but I was so tired that I decided to get myself a seat on the train, close my eyes and listen to some music.

Sounds like a tough task to get an empty seat when you are boarding the train at Dhoby Gaut during the evening peak hour. So I waited patiently for the train going to Habourfront where plenty of seats were available so when the train reached Habourfront and make a ‘u-turn’ trip back to Punggol station, I would be sitting nicely and dozing off to Hougang station.

But alas! There was a twist! I did not know that all passengers would normally be told to get off the train as it would cease operation at Harbourfront station.

But I could still board the train at the opposite platform where seats would still be available. I was right. Though it was still crowded with like-minded people like me, I managed to get a seat.

Nicely poised to close my eyes and enjoy my music, I somehow turned my head to look behind. I saw a pregnant lady standing outside the train, not wanting to come in. I looked around and realized there were no more empty seats. I offered her my seat but she refused. She was willing to wait for the next train. How could I possibly let a pregnant lady wait for the next train? I stood up and insisted she take my seat.

And so it went. I stood all the way back to my destination. I felt relieved though letting that lady have my seat.

This incident is just like life. Sometimes you put in a lot of time, effort and thought on doing something. You know you are on the brink of success, or maybe you have already achieved success. However, some people may just give up everything they got, on perhaps factors that others may think is illogical. But this is life. Sometimes it is not for us to choose, but the situation presents itself in a way that leaves us with choices but inclines us towards one that goes against our rationality. What can we do? We can’t really do anything.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

the part where u have to move to the other platform, ya? ok, during off peak, there is onli one platform to be used, so there is no need to cross over to the other train. but during peak, both platforms are being used, so, crossing to the other train is more efficient. also, there may be a case where the train u were in would return straight to depot.


12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, last time I was with mack on the train at Harbourfront. I knew we should not be boarding the train at platform A as the announcement was already made to board at platform B.

But mack was happily chatting and people are also in the train at platform A so I just did not alert him.

Then we went straight to the end of the line and the train moved back again to platform B.


7:47 PM  

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