Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ridiculous but Amazing Hazard

If you happen to be at the bus stop just outside vivocity in the past, you may notice that there was a small box protruding out of the concrete ground just beside the bus stop.

This was how the thing (or what I call a ridiculous hazard) looked like:

Why is it ridiculous?
Haha... Why would something like this go unnoticed by the people who build the pavement? Or do they simply do not care?

Why is it a hazard?
Anyone chasing for the bus may not notice this thing protruding, trip and fall with their face landing straight on the rough concrete ground. It also poses danger to some less alert people on their way to throw rubbish into the bin.

Why then is it amazing?
I'm sure hundreds of people over a long period of time since the use of this bus stop have seen this small little treachrous box but thought of it to be harmless. Or they just simply think that 'hmm... why is there a small box protuding out of the ground full stop'
This makes me wonder if Singaporeans are 'civic minded' enough (is this the word to use?). Or at least have an instinct of sensing out danger, an initiative of reporting or try to do something about hazards.

Anyway, I think I am also not doing the right thing too as I have seen this thing months ago but did nothing and I do not know why. It is strange isn't it? Sometimes we notice something but we cannot register it into another component of our brain that tells us what we should be doing next. There was once when I was on the NEL train. The train was quite packed and no empty seats were available. Then this pregnant lady came in with her friend and I thought to myself 'Oh ya, a pregnant lady.' That's all... it was until the doors open at one of the stations and I saw her get out of the train then I realised I should have given up my seat to her. Damn!

I emailed to the vivocity management and explained to them the potential hazards of this small unmovable box, blah blah blah and how it may affect their business if someone's hurt because of that. (I thought this would make them take up the case and in turn give me some shopping vouchers as reward, hahaha...)

I'm glad they replied and said the pavement is under LTA's area of charge and they have contacted LTA. Meanwhile, they shifted the rubbish bin next to the box.

The next day, the bin was moved back to it original position, I guessed by the road sweeper...

But I really have to praise vivocity and LTA for their quick responses. A few days later, action was taken to get the thing removed.

And tah-da!

I hope anyone who read this 'article' can become more 'kay poh' in matters that we should be 'kay poh' - anything for the benefit and safety of people. Yeah!

- 达客拍客

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Steamboat @ Kallang








The Fallen Knight

Riding through the battlefield,
Gallant as always,
Never a sign of fatigue.

“Charge!” he screams,
Angst flavoured his voice,
Yet the armour never betray the wearer’s emotions.

An arrow!
Piercing through the wind,
Going straight for the knight.

Alas, it hits him,
The knight rides on,
Never slowing for a moment.

Blood spruts through his armour,
Painless as the knight felt,
Soulessly the armour continues.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

The nonsensical truth about brains, computers and memory

Wonder why sometimes you cannot quite remember what you read just moments ago? Watch this clip to know why.


Friday, May 11, 2007

The Herald of Night

The Cockatoo hums
Its lonesome lullaby
As the clouds rush to
The dimming light
As the sun shrivels
And heralds the night
Oblivious to the world
It delights in its song
Enchanted with its music
Drunk on its voice
But oh fear, dear Cockatoo
For night has come
With it are the beasts
That prey on the dumb

Picture and words by 麦克拍客 =D

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

The Allium Genus 葱蒜家族大比拼

This issue has been disturbing me for many, many years. Have you ever wondered what the differences between onions and shallots are? What about green onions and scallions? Also, to make the matter worse, the Allium genus also includes the ever confusing chives, leeks, spring onions, and the blah and the blah and the blah… Sadly, Yahoo Answers could not give me any satisfactory answers…

After a grueling time, doing research and violent discussions with my mum, the various definitions of “onionly” terms and their Chinese equivalent is being reproduced here on FukePaike… Haha…

Bulb Onion Allium cepa – Single bulb stem. Yellow or red in colour. (大葱 / 洋葱)

Shallot Allium oschaninii, Allium ascalonicum – Difference between onions and shallots is that shallots have multiple bulbs. Purplish in colour. Finely sliced and deep fried, it is used in Asian cuisine as a condiment. (小葱头)

Scallion, spring or green onions Allium cepa – Same as onions but harvested while immature. Mainly used as garnishes in eastern dishes. Green onions are also referred to as Welsh Onion, Allium fistulosum. (青葱 / 葱)

Garlic Allium sativum – The one to ward against demons and vampires. Strong and pungent, high in sulphur content and the culprit for causing bad breath. Like shallots, they have multiple bulbs. (蒜头)

Leek Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum – The one that is being hanged on the front door, during Chinese New Year, symbolizing good luck for the year. Long cylinder of bundled leaf sheaths instead of a tight bulb like onion. (大蒜)

Chives Allium schoenoprasum – The misunderstood plant, often mistaken as scallions. Used more of western cuisine. The Chinese uses Chinese chives.

Chinese or garlic chives Allium tuberosum – The popular ingredient in dumplings with egg, shrimp and pork. Has a flavour more like garlic than chives. The leaves are strap-shaped unlike garlic or onions which have a rounder shape. (韭菜)

There are another 1250+ species more to go, but I think I’ll stop here…

Trivia: The chemical that make one cry every time an onion is cut is actually sulfuric acid. To avoid the stinging sensation, cut onions submerged in water.

Disclaimer: This is not a scientific article, nor is it works written by a scientific researcher or anyone working in the field. Neither am I a culinary expert. This is merely a blog entry to help people to understand the differences in the various confusing “onionly” terms. And also, if there are any discrepancies in the information provided, feel free to comment.


Monday, May 07, 2007

Attention is NEVER Enough

The moment of self-indulgence is enough to overkill a human being. Sometimes, people will tend to be superfluous in the complex of superficiality, and thus portray an air of exuberant confidence. This air lingering in the atmosphere, often makes others nauseous. The person, yet craves for abundance of attention, then comfortably bask in the newfounded joy seemingly derived from the pool of attention circling around him or her.

Sometimes, people only see the back of themselves, and do not see their frontal selfs. They are so obssessed with their apparent self that they are gradually paving paths to self-destruction and solitude. The quintessential beauty of human nature lies within the clear perspicacious sight of discerning our own true selfs and modesty. The pulchritude of a woman might be overwhelming, but physical beauty will never be more alluring than innate beauty. Let the mirror show your own true self, do not be deceived by your own perception. Shall i just end with a pansophical phase or tinge of wisdom, real beauty lies within innate beauty. Attention is never enough when a man seeks for greener pastures to bask in his own superficiality complex.

Friday, May 04, 2007

洋葱 Allium Cepa



每当干完一件大事时,我都会上 Burger King 点选我的最爱,特多洋葱的巨无 霸。(虽然不是非常健康,但那火烤的牛肉,配上蔬菜、起士、腌菜,再淋上特配的酱汁…这完美的组合,又有谁能抗拒得了!)包装纸一撕开,一阵强劲的辛辣扑鼻,直接刺激脑部神经,头就开始晕旋,心里想:“怎么那么呛?”当我咬下第一口,洋葱汁喷洒口腔,汁所带来的刺激直接而无此尽地侵袭我的味觉神经,就如滔滔江水,一发不可收势。这时,脑已经不能运作了,暂时完全被洋葱所占领。味蕾不断地分泌口水,似如与洋葱汁交战,两大势力的抨击,产生了化学作用,流入喉咙的只有新鲜洋葱的甘甜和清香。顿时,大脑开始慢慢恢复自觉,开始感受洋葱的甜美。当我吃完巨无霸时,大脑以经过数十次的起起落落,所有大事前的焦虑、忧愁渐渐地随风而去,所有的烦恼慢慢地消失。




是时候该找个精神伴侣了吧!活得开心,活得无忧无虑,才称得上在这世界‘爽’ 过吧!哈哈哈!

麦克拍客(a.k.a MTF)
异客拍客(a.k.a GCube)

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