Attention is NEVER Enough

The moment of self-indulgence is enough to overkill a human being. Sometimes, people will tend to be superfluous in the complex of superficiality, and thus portray an air of exuberant confidence. This air lingering in the atmosphere, often makes others nauseous. The person, yet craves for abundance of attention, then comfortably bask in the newfounded joy seemingly derived from the pool of attention circling around him or her.
Sometimes, people only see the back of themselves, and do not see their frontal selfs. They are so obssessed with their apparent self that they are gradually paving paths to self-destruction and solitude. The quintessential beauty of human nature lies within the clear perspicacious sight of discerning our own true selfs and modesty. The pulchritude of a woman might be overwhelming, but physical beauty will never be more alluring than innate beauty. Let the mirror show your own true self, do not be deceived by your own perception. Shall i just end with a pansophical phase or tinge of wisdom, real beauty lies within innate beauty. Attention is never enough when a man seeks for greener pastures to bask in his own superficiality complex.
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