FUKEPAIKE: November 2007

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Exam Grades Are Structuralised Violence

"Exam grades are structuralised violence"
This quote is from one of my lecturers. The phrase is actually from a poster but I am not able to find it online. So I decided to make my own.
So guys, have some fighting spirit during this excruciating studying and exam period. Be aggressive in studying! Don't lose out to others! Good luck!

- 达客拍客

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Art Decor: $1628, Material: "Priceless"

I was at a home decor shop at Great World City a few weeks ago and saw this impressive piece of metal art work hanging on the wall. The price tag reads: $1628. Very expensive! I wasn't too sure if it is worth that amount of money but it certainly looked stunning. So, I asked my dad to go take a closer look (since he is a specialist on metals).

Me: "Can you make this thing?"

Dad: "Should be able to. You just get some metal, chrome them, anyhow bend and weld them together."

Me: "Expensive or not?"

Dad: "Hmm... material wise, no need money. These are made from discarded metal strips that nobody wants. Bending can be done by yourself, welding too. By the way, the welding is poorly done, they did not remove the burnt black spots on the joints."

Makes me wonder what a lucrative business they are running! The creativity is worth more than $1000.

We went on to look at other metal-made decors and most of them are certainly "many many times over-priced" if you consider the cost of the material.

So next time when you shop for decorative items, think twice. Are they really worth the money?

- 达客拍客

Saturday, November 10, 2007

When one does 'wrong', all must go

A tree branch in the carpark fell and smashed onto one of the cars one day. It is unfortunate that a tree's 'mistake' would cause all the others to face the same fate, being cut off their tree branches.

Good example of human's domination over nature.

Too bad I don't know the car's number plate, if not I would have bought 4D.haha...


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Correlating Debts and Thermodynamics

Law 1: Monetary debts are like matter. They are a constant and do not change from one form to another.

Law 2: Favor debts are like energy. They are a constant, but unlike matter, they change from one form to another.

Law 3: Emotional debts are like entropy. They are not a constant but continuously increase in magnitude. Yet, they have only one form.

No monetary debts are repaid with favors.
All cash and non-cash transaction may be monetary.
People owe debts all the time.
Bad debts unpaid contribute to emotional debts.

Disclaimer: These laws do not apply to any physics or thermodynamics equations. Use at risk. Your professors won’t be impressed. They will be disgusted at how merciless their lives are run.

Go Ponder!!!

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